It is nearing the end and the final is May 19th and of course, unfortunately, it is cumulative and not open book. I have NO idea how I am going to get through it, but I have to b/c it is 30% of our grade. I also have my behavioral health exam but it's take-home so I feel better about that. The next three weeks with school and two back to back out-of-town weddings are going to be very trying but May is here and the reward will be incredible!
I am VERy much looking forward to reading A LOT this summer. Of course, albeit a very stupid idea, I am going to try to participate in the Bout of Books readathon in May... before school is over which is downright silly but this is one of my favorite readathons so I want to at least try! I will be using the template below and have absolutely no idea what my TBR will look like yet. To find our more information go here:
I will keep you updated and post again with my TBR and will be sure to post a wrap up, like I did for the Borrrow-a-thon!
Til then, live well!!
Time Devoted to Reading
I will be reading a day/on the weekend/all week.
My Goals
- [this can be as detailed or as vague as you'd like]
Books to Read
- [add the books you hope to read here] [or don't add any. your call.]
MondayNumber of books I've read today:
Total number of books I've read: