Monday, May 1, 2017

Update on life - & next Read-a-Thon

My second semester of grad school is getting ready to wrap up and I cannot even tell you how much I am looking forward to the only summer I will not be taking classes until I get my MPH! This semester, I am taking the dreaded Biostatistics and it has been KILLING me! Many a' tears have been shed. Literally.

It is nearing the end and the final is May 19th and of course, unfortunately, it is cumulative and not open book. I have NO idea how I am going to get through it, but I have to b/c it is 30% of our grade.  I also have my behavioral health exam but it's take-home so I feel better about that. The next three weeks with school and two back to back out-of-town weddings are going to be very trying but May is here and the reward will be incredible!

I am VERy much looking forward to reading A LOT this summer. Of course, albeit a very stupid idea, I am going to try to participate in the Bout of Books readathon in May... before school is over which is downright silly but this is one of my favorite readathons so I want to at least try! I will be using the template below and have absolutely no idea what my TBR will look like yet. To find our more information go here:

I will keep you updated and post again with my TBR and will be sure to post a wrap up, like I did for the Borrrow-a-thon!

Til then, live well!!

Time Devoted to Reading

I will be reading a day/on the weekend/all week.

My Goals

  • [this can be as detailed or as vague as you'd like]

Books to Read

  • [add the books you hope to read here] [or don't add any. your call.]


Number of books I've read today:
Total number of books I've read: