Tuesday, September 26, 2017

October Readathons!!!

Hello all - 

I am just swinging by to tell you about the two readathons I plan to take part in during the month of October! It's that fall-spooky-cool-snuggly-football-sweater weather time of year... and that means it's perfect for reading spooky thrillers and dark fantasies.... anything with that fall-ish vibe. And of course, it's the perfect time for Harry Potter, so you know I will be including the next illustrated release in my readthons! 

I plan to participate in Spookathon which takes place from October 16 - 22, 2017! This is hosted by BooksandLala, Bookerly, and Paiges Pages. This is a very popular readathon. So many wonderful BookTubers take part in this, do daily Vlogs, blogs, challenges, wrap-ups, etc! It's so exciting each year! The information for Spookathon can be found here on Twitter: Spookathon 2017 (They also have a bunch of videos linked by the hosts which are super fun to watch.) The Reading Challenges are as follows:

  • A thriller.
  • A book with a spooky word in the title.
  • A book about a childfood fear of yours.
  • A book with orange on the cover
  • A book with a spooky setting.
  • Group Read: A Stranger in the House.  

The second readathon I plan to be a part of is the FrightFall readathon. You can find all of the information you might need here:  FrightFall 2017 The challenges are:

  • Read a scary book
That is it! Easy Peasy! :) You can use the following when posting on social media: #FrightFall You can sign up here: Sign up!

Here is my TBR (and my very first #bookstagram picture that I actually staged and LOVE! 

I hope you plan to partake in a Fall readathon or two. Be sure to comment and let me know what you will be reading this fall!

Happy Autumn!!!